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Package #1....$130 W/COMBO JUMPER $200

13x13 Jumper

(2)-6ft Table

(16) Chairs (Kids chairs/Tables available) 

Package #2....$146 W/ COMBO JUMPER $216

13x13 Jumper

(3)-6ft Tables

(24) Chairs.. (Kids chairs/Tables available)

Package #3....$162 W/ COMBO JUMPER $232

13x13 jumper

(4)-6ft Tables

(32) Chairs

***Complete Party Packages***

#4 13x13 Jumper $300 (W/COMBO $371) 

(2)-6ft Table

(16) Chairs (Kids chairs/Tables available)

10x20 Canopy

(1) concession Machine

Package#5....13x13 Jumper$316 (W/COMBO$386

(3)-6ft Table

(24) Chairs (Kids chairs/Tables available)

10x20 Canopy

(1) concession Machine

Package #6  13x13 Jumper $332      (W/COMBO $402

13x13 jumper

(4)-6ft Tables

(32) Chairs (Kids chairs/Tables available)

10x20 Canopy

(1) concession Machine


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